A Liberal rally in Phoenix went rogue Saturday when BIG-SHOT speakers were shouted off the stage by fellow Liberal attendees. Not to be besmirched by the event, the Sanders camp released this highly constructed video version of the not-so-gala event: What actually happened on that hot Phoenix Saturday night was Bernie, and other big-wig Liberals, […]


Here are the public remarks made by the President in memory of Michael Brown: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-promises-to-ensure–justice-is-done–for-michael-brown-173136668.html?nf=1&nf=1# Here are the public remarks made by the President in memory of Freddie Gray: https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/04/28/president-obama-freddie-gray-s-death-not-new-and-we-shouldn-t-pretend-it-s-new Here are the public remarks made by the President in memory of Trayvon Martin: Martin: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/07/19/remarks-president-trayvon-martin  Here are the public remarks made by the President in memory […]



Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 18, 2015

In the midst of Barack Hussein Obama’s celebratory press conference he was asked: “Why are you content to leave those four people behind in Iran, unaided by American diplomacy?” Transparency, courtesy and protocol would indicate the proper Presidential response to be a direct explanation of the prevailing atmosphere of contentment and victory  in light of […]


“In the wake of this vicious attack on our nation we need to rid ourselves of two dangerous delusions, first and foremost that a ‘lone gunman’–as President Obama described the shooter–is somehow isolated from the larger threat of radical Islamic terrorism. In the modern world, no one acts in isolation. Through social media ISIS, al […]


Tell your elected representatives (http://www.contactingthecongress.org/) in Washington to defeat HR-9. Pending patent legislation HR-9 hurts American innovation and small businesses by weakening rights of holders of patents and property rights.  Currently rights are guaranteed in the Constitution. A vote is expected in the House the week of July 20th. This legislation hinders growth and innovation. […]


Despite the fact that Trump is currently tied with Bush as the most likely to be the next POTUS, the Huffington Post has made the following announcement: “…we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment […]


Surely this the most heinous limit of Liberal doctrine. The following is by Matt Walsh from TheBlaze.com “To the pro-abortion crowd: I know you aren’t all gone. You still have a soul. You have your humanity. You have a mind. I know you do. And I know when you hear about things like this, your […]


Having carefully compiled and recorded each Senator’s and Congressman’s voting record, the folks at thenewamerican.com/freedomindex have made it easy to put together the list of top ten scores for Congressional opponents of the Constitution. Remember, each one of the 100 Senators and 435 Representatives in Congress are sworn under oath to “support the Constitution”. How […]


Carefully compiled and recording each Senator’s and Congressman’s voting record, the folks at thenewamerican.com/freedomindex have made it easy to put together the list of top ten scores for supporters of the Constitution in Congress. Remember now, each one of the 100 Senators and 435 Representatives are under oath to “support the Constitution”. A perfect score […]