Carefully compiled and recording each Senator’s and Congressman’s voting record, the folks at have made it easy to put together the list of top ten scores for supporters of the Constitution in Congress.

Remember now, each one of the 100 Senators and 435 Representatives are under oath to “support the Constitution”.

A perfect score for supporting the Constitution would be 100%, which would indicate that person always voted in accordance with the Constitution.

The top spot goes to Rep. Massey of Kentucky with a score of 98%.
Second place is shared by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Rep. Amash of Michigan with 94%.
Third place is Sen. Lee of Utah with 93%.
Fourth place is shared by Sen. Purdue of Georgia; Rep. Labrador of Idaho; Rep. Mooney of West Virginia; Sen. Tillis of N. Carolina; and Sen. Sasse of Nebraska with a score of 90%.
Fifth place is shared by Sen. Cruz of Texas and Rep. McClintock of California with 89%.
Sixth place is shared by Rep. Huelskamp of Kansas and Rep. Posey of Florida with 88%.
Seventh place is held by Rep. Clawson of Florida with 87%.
Eighth place is Sen. Risch of Idaho with 85%.
Ninth place is Rep. Pridenstine of Oklahoma with 84%.
The number ten spot is shared by Sen. Ernst of Iowa; Sen. Sullivan of Alaska; Sen. Flake of Arizona; Rep. Schweikert of Arizona; and Rep. Jordan of Ohio with 80%.

All 21 on the list are Republicans. Zero Democrats made the list.
All 21 on the list are males.Zero of 106 females made the list.
2 of 32 Hispanics made the list.
Zero of 46 Blacks made the list.
Zero of 13 Asians made the list.
Zero of 2 Native Americans made the list.