Surely this the most heinous limit of Liberal doctrine.

The following is by Matt Walsh from
“To the pro-abortion crowd: I know you aren’t all gone.
You still have a soul. You have your humanity. You have a mind. I know you do. And I know when you hear about things like this, your first reaction, deep down in your gut, is to cringe.
And it’s only for a moment, I know. It’s a flinch. It’s a brief relapse back to the days when you were the kind of person who knew it was wrong to kill people and hawk their body parts for profit. You knew that once. Maybe when you were very little, before the liberal propagandists got to you, but you knew it. So, listen, just live in that cringe for a while longer. That instinctual repulsion you experienced — let it simmer in your head. Don’t push it back down as quickly as you usually do, drowning your conscience with vapid slogans about a “right to choose” and “my body, my choice” and all the rest of it. There’s plenty of time for that, but all I’m asking is that you watch the video of the woman eating her salad while she describes crushing a child carefully so as to preserve his internal organs for resale on the black market, and meditate. View the footage, and when that voice in your head says, “ew, this is horrifying,” listen to it. Hear it out”.