Having carefully compiled and recorded each Senator’s and Congressman’s voting record, the folks at thenewamerican.com/freedomindex have made it easy to put together the list of top ten scores for Congressional opponents of the Constitution.

Remember, each one of the 100 Senators and 435 Representatives in Congress are sworn under oath to “support the Constitution”. How can keep your job if you consistently oppose what you are sworn to uphold?

A perfect score for this list would be 0%, indicating the person ALWAYS voted against the Constitution.

The top spot goes to Sen. Kaine of Virginia with 2%.
Second place in the Hall of Shame goes to Sen. Schatz of Hawaii with 4%.
Third place with 6% belongs to Sen. Warren of Massachusetts.
Fourth place with 7% is shared by Sen. Franken of Minnesota; Sen. Klobuchar of Minnesota; Sen. Shaheen of New Hampshire; Se. Coons of Deleware.
Fifth place is shared by Sen. Booker of New Jersey and Sen. Sen. Bennet of Colorado with 9%.
Sixth place with a score of 10% is shared by Sen. Blumenthall of Connecticut; Rep. Peters of California; Rep. Bera of California; Sen. Murray of Washington; Sen. Casey of Pennsylvania; Sen. Gillibrand of New York; Rep. Rice of New York; Sen. Heinrich of New Mexico; Sen. King of Maine; and Sen. Durban of Illinois.
Seventh place with a score of 11% is shared by Sen. Merkley of Oregon; Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island; Sen. Warner of Virginia; Sen. Hirono of Hawaii; and Rep. Himes of Connecticut.
Eighth place with a 12% score is shared by Rep. Sewell of Alabama; Sen. Nelson of Florida; Sen. Feinstein of California; Sen. Mikulski of Maryland; and Sen. Cantwell of Washington.
Ninth place with 13% is shared by Sen. Boxer of California; Sen. Murphy of Connecticut; Sen. Carder of Delaware; Rep. Duckworth of Illinois; Rep. Foster of Illinois; Sen. Schumer of New York.
Tenth place with 14% is shared by Sen. Reed of Rhode Island; Rep. Sires of New Jersey; Sen. Heitkamp of North Dakota; Rep. Carney of Delaware; and Rep. Brownlee of California.

All 40 are Democrats. (Zero Republicans).
16 of 106 females.(Zero on the list of top supporters).
3 of 46 Blacks. (Zero on the list of top supporters).
One of 32 Hispanics.
Two of 11 Asians. (Zero on the list of top supporters).