Could this partial list (courtesy of CDN) of changes made by President Trump since he took office in January of 2017 explain why the Democrats want him removed from office. . .?

Appointed originalist Supreme Court judges.

Stock market at all-time high . . . 120 times

Wages at post-recession high

Jobless claims the lowest since1969

Historical criminal justice reform

Signed Women Entrepreneurship Act.

Ended war on coal

Gutted Obama regulations

Border wall under construction

Signed plan for disabled vets to go to their own doctor.

Signed student loan debt forgiveness

Implemented brutally effective rules of engagement against ISIS.

Historic tax reform

USMCA trade deal replaces NAFTA

Fewer Americans on food stamps.

Opened ANWR for drilling and approved Keystone pipeline and Dakota pipeline.

Border wall under construction

Signed Right To Try legislation.

Are the Democrats even watching what is happening in America?