Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 18, 2019

[Thanks to MICHELLE MALKIN for most of this.]

Myth: “The Chamber of Commerce organization is not politically motivated.”

Fact: The national C of C has spent $50 million to protect border-jumpers from deportation and to secure their Green Cards. The group claims, “Stripping DACA recipients of their ability to legally live and work in the country will harm them,” (Immigrants from poor nations will work for less money than Americans. Duh.)

Myth: “Facebook is not politically motivated.”

Fact: Facebook’s lobbying arm,, circulated a letter from some of its illegal immigrant employees “in solidarity with” all immigrants living and working here in violation of our laws. Facebook has spent $430,000 on illegal immigration protection so far this year. (Anarchy is the refusal to obey lawful authority. Duh.)

Myth: “The Catholic Church is not politically motivated.”

Fact: The Vatican spends hundreds of millions of donated dollars on illegal immigrant shelters, legal teams for fraudulent asylum claimants, and community organizing activities promoting sanctuary policies and profiting from illegal immigrants who are the funders for human and drug smuggling. (Operating tax-free, the Catholic Church is breaking the law. Duh.)

Myth: “Microsoft is not politically motivated.”

Fact: Microsoft has led the charge not only for a massive pipeline of illegal immigrant youths but also for millions of H-1B and F-1 foreign student visa holders. (American students are being thrown under the bus. Duh.)

Mass uncontrolled immigration both legal and illegal is part of the Democrat agenda. To Hell with the American student. Where is the defense of American students fighting to make a decent living while competing with unrelenting floods of foreign workers enjoying the protection and promotion of “non-political” American benefactors?