Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 05, 2019

When Clinton sycophant James Carville coined the phrase in 1992 his intent was to focus Slick Willie’s campaign workers on convincing voters that they should elect Hillary’s husband because he would fix the failing economy. It worked. Jeff Epstein’s drinking buddy Bill got elected by promising to fix the economy.

Well, today, if the phrase is still accurate, 2020 will be a landslide victory for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. After all, look at the numbers which define the condition of the economy… unemployment (across the racial spectrum) is at 50 year lows; wages are going up; corporate earnings are at all-time highs and expected to get higher; and the markets are at all-time highs.  TRUMP’S ECONOMY IS ROARING!

So, what is the President facing in response to creating the most dramatic 3-year turn-around of America’s economy in history?… Impeachment!?

I seems the Democrat’s mantra is not “Its the economy stupid”, but “Its US/Ukrainian political relations stupid!”

Liberals are desperate to stop making America great again.