IF, I said IF, Congress rejects Barack Hussein’s nuclear program development gift to Iran, it is expected that the President, a Chicago community organizer formerly known as Barry Sotero, will veto their rejection and do whatever he wants… again.

Congress has until Sept. 17 to vote on the “deal” (it cannot be called a treaty because the Constitution does not allow a President to make treaties without Congressional approval).

As of today, in the Senate, there are 33 Republicans and 2 Independents declared to reject, and 20 Republicans leaning toward rejection, that’s 55 against Obama. [Note: one Republican seat is vacant]. 24 Democrats (Liberals) are committed to give Obama his way, 6 Liberals are leaning toward siding with Obama, and 14 Liberals are undecided. That’s 44 for Obama. So, the Senate is poised to reject Obama.

In the House, 230 Republicans and 12 Liberals are declared to reject, with 8 Republicans and 3 Liberals leaning toward rejection. That’s 253 total for rejection. 56 Liberals are declared to support with 50 Liberals leaning toward support. 8 Republicans and 66 Liberals are undecided.That’s 180 total for support. So the House is poised to reject the Iran nuclear “deal”.

Thanks to the recently enacted Corker Bill, 67 Senate votes AND 291 Congressional votes are needed to kill the “deal”.

So, an unconstitutional “deal”, made by a rogue President, with the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism, is poised to become a binding treaty giving hundreds of billions of dollars, and approval to proceed with the development of nuclear weapons, to America’s sworn enemy. Stranger than fiction.