Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 15, 2019

One agenda item the President surely has scheduled for his second term is the prosecution of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the the crimes for which Hillary is indictable:

  1. Obstructing the release of Whitewater documents. She said they were “lost”, but they turned-up two years later in her new home… THE WHITE HOUSE!
  2. Keeping the proceedings ($$) of her First Lady project secret. She refused to reveal even the names of “consultants” she hired.
  3. Lying about what really happened during the Benghazi terrorist attack. She asked, “What difference does it make?”
  4. Using an unauthorized Email server for critically sensitive information which jeopardized national security.
  5. Using the “Clinton Foundation” to amass personal wealth. Many questionable dealings with Russian companies.
  6. Allowed the creation and distribution of unsubstantiated, salacious allegations against her opponent in the 2016 Presidential election. This
    “dossier” was used to fuel FBI investigations and a two-year several million dollar “Special Investigation” by Robert Meuller. No wrongdoing was discovered, or proven.

Now that you have reason enough to do so, register and vote for Trump/Pence.

All we are saying is give Trump a chance!