Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 12, 2019

U P D A T E (2 days after this post originated)-— Responding to being ridiculed for this “memory lapse”, Joe offered this explanation: “People were still calling me Mr. Vice-President then.”

Every once in a while it seems productive to take a close look at the swiftly flowing current of lunacy that is the cartel of Liberals who want to move into the White House in January of 2021.

Let’s dip the net into the stream of idiocy and see what we catch. . . Oh! It’s Joe “The Snuggler” Biden, one of the front runners in the race to stop making America great again.

Here’s what Joe did this time to make his spin doctors cringe: last Saturday, while on a public appearance, with the cameras rolling and the microphone on, Joe said he “… watched what happened when the kids from Parkland marched up…I met with them, and then they went up on the hill, when I was Vice President…”

Sounds impressive, like something a good V.P. should do after a tragic school massacre. So what fact did Biden overlook? . . . just this, over a year BEFORE the Parkland school tragedy he became FORMER vice President!

Here,s Joe (when he really was V.P.) fondling Sheriff Buford.