Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 28, 2019

Following is a sample from the lengthy list of Democrat folks who want to replace President Trump in January of 2021:

John Hickenlooper. Former governor of Colorado. John thinks the GDP ( The most important indicator of America’s overall economic health) is the “Gross Demographic Product” ?

Democrat John Hickenlooper wants to be President.

John Delaney. John thinks the way to get the job of President of the United States of America away from President Trump is to get people to unfollow Trump on Twitter!

“Everyone please unfollow Trump on Twitter!”– John Delaney

Wayne Messam. Wayne says the thing to do is impeach President Trump and then cancel all student debt.

“Based on the Mueller report findings [complete exoneration of entire Trump campaign staff] we must impeach President Trump.”–Wayne Messam

Jay Inslee. Jay says his primary goal as President would be to “de-carbonize” America. Jay believes climate change (known as Global Warming before someone did some fact checking and discovered the globe was actually not warming) is Job One for POTUS 46.

“I’ve dedicated my public life to fighting climate change. That’s why I’m running for president to take on the defining issue of our time.”-– Jay Inslee

Marianne Williamson. Marianne says she will reconnect everything to the heart because everything has become disconnected from the heart.

Marianne has written 13 spiritual books about connecting everything to the heart.

There you have a sample of typical Democrats who want to be President. There are many, many more than just these five.