Finally, after prolonged relentless effort on the part of Congressional investigators begging Mrs. Clinton to obey the law and submit her personal Email records, she has condescended to obey.

The highest security level outside of the NSA framework is “TOP SECRET”. it is applied to information, which the unauthorized disclosure of could be reasonably expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.

Hillary has Top Secret information on her personal server!

Hillary’s husband experienced two incidents (Sandy Berger, Bill’s National Security advisor, and John Deutch, Bill’s CIA Director) where Top Secret clearances were compromised, so she should be familiar with the seriousness of proper protocol.

So, will Hillary be classified as a security risk, and, therefore, unfit to be POTUS?
Will she experience any repercussions, politically or criminally, for blatantly exposing the nation to grave damage?
Will the Liberal American voters continue to overlook her questionable ethics and keep supporting her for President?
Will Liberal leadership draw the line and say, “ENOUGH!”?

Stay tuned.

*in MENU select THE LIST to decipher numbers.