Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 08, 2019

Our government is a Representative Republic (not a Democracy).

In a Representative Republic the People vote to decide who gets paid to represent their interests in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

In the United States there are two major political factions, Liberal and Conservative.

As a general rule Liberals are Democrats and are represented by the color BLUE, and Conservatives are Republicans who “wear” RED.

So, here’s the question: In Congress why are the interests of the majority (Conservatives) being over-ridden by the minority (Liberals)?

Wait! What? You didn’t know Conservative Americans outnumber Liberals? Well take a look at the latest poll…

Why are the few blue states thwarting the many red and the pink state’s plans?

Could it be that the red and pink states have a lot of people who are non-voters? Since they don’t know, and don’t care what is happening in their nation they don’t have a say in who gets paid to go to Congress and represent their interests.

If you prefer Free Enterprise; Limited Government; Individual Freedom and Responsibility; Traditional America Values; A Strong Military; and Secure Borders, and you are qualified to register to vote but do not do so because you do not know, or care, about politics, then you are the reason Pelosi and Schumer are defeating the Conservative agenda. You are the majority. You should vote. If you don’t vote, you live the way Liberals want you to live. REGISTER AND VOTE AGAINST LIBERALS!