Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 01, 2019

Why is America a supporting ($) member of the United Nations?

Currently the U.N. headquarters building in Geneva is showcasing photos of a man who used his influence to harm mankind.

This man’s resume should include the following: “… some 16,000 executions since the Castro brothers, Guevara and their merry men swept into Havana in January 1959. About 100,000 Cubans who have fallen foul of the regime have been jailed. Two million others have succeeded in escaping Castro’s socialist paradise, while an estimated 30,000 have died in the attempt.”

Much like some of the Democratic hopefuls now scrambling to be our next President, Che Guevara was a Socialist promoter who wanted to be among the “more equal” pigs on Animal Farm.

“Get the US out of the UN.” was the simple message on a big billboard alongside Arizona’s Route 66 back in the 50’s and 60’s. It needs to be put-up across America again today!

Your tax dollars are being used to venerate Che Guevara, a mass murderer.