Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 10, 2019

*Green New Deal is getting more attention from the media than any of the numerous real, important efforts currently making their way through Congress. It seems the Left is using it as an attention getting device.

Anyway, one of the weird deals about The New Deal is that it is not a House Bill. It is a Joint Resolution, which is really weird because they are meant to be used for continuing an existing law beyond its original ending date, or, to authorize emergency legislation, or to amend the Constitution. None of those situations fits the purpose of this Socialist manifesto being called The Green New Deal.

Another fun fact about the GND is that it would cost thousands of times more than securing our Southern border.

Oh, and another thing, it calls for the ELIMINATION of airplanes, cows, petroleum, nuclear reactors, and coal so American can be 100% Green powered in ten years!

It will refurbish EVERY BUILDING in America to make them 100% Green.

It will provide economic security for people who choose to not work.

Get a copy ,(good luck), and read for yourself what so many 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls are endorsing. You won’t believe what you read.