Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 30, 2018

Back before President Trump took office how crooked were things in D.C.?

Here’s an example:

In the third year of the reign of King Obama (2010),  former President Slick Willie Clinton was preparing to head for Russia to give a speech for which he was paid half a million (that’s five followed by five zeroes) dollars!

Before leaving for the former USSR, over breakfast one morning in the Clinton home, William petitioned the Secretary of State ( he simply had to ask his wife across the table) : “Hey Honey can I have official permission to visit the head honcho of Russia’s Uranium giant Rosatom while I’m over there?”

Well, Monica Lewinsky’s mentor (Bill) did visit the Russian uranium folks and did negotiate a very lucrative deal for the Clinton Foundation.

Eventually some underlings got into legal trouble for the whole thing. It worked-out OK for them when Hillary’s boss Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) pardoned them all!

You think I’m making this up? Read it for yourself HERE.