The old con game called GW/CC has been in remission since January of 2017 when Barry Obama left office.

Incoming Democrat legislators in the 116th Congress have announced their intention to use their restored majority status in the House to revive the billion dollar bunco scheme invented by Al Gore as a way to expand government control and promote Globalism.

As the snake oil peddlers begin their familiar scare tactics about coastal flooding and imminent global catastrophe they face some serious scientific challenges to their reasoning.

If the planet is warming then why . . .

. . . is San Antonio experiencing 28-degree weather this morning? (smashing a 108 year-old record low.)

. . . is Houston having the earliest snowfall in recorded history?

. . . are Colorado ski resorts celebrating the earliest season opening date ever?

. . . has the scientific basis for a major ocean-warming study been discovered to be wrong?

Promoters of the Liberal Agenda will soon be back in the driver’s seat in the House of Representatives.

Let the fantasy begin. . . again.