Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 24, 2018

Their self-destruct campaign is working well for the Democrats.

The Democrats hair is on fire and the wheels are coming-off their bandwagon.

The only press the Democrats are getting from news outlets that are not sold-out to their agenda is all laughable. . .

Barry Soetoro, better known as Barack Obama says he caused the current economic boom!? LOL!

Hillary cackles and nods in agreement when introduced as the “real President”!? LOL!

One co-chairman of the DNC is in a death spiral caused by some #metoo allegations. LOL!

The other co-chairman of the DNC says it looks like the Democrats are not going to see a “Blue Wave”. LOL!

Bernie Sanders is having a tough time selling voters on a Venezuela-style government, and he’s dividing the anti-Trump effort. LOL!

The Democrat’s most popular (30+ % in latest poll) choice to run against President Trump in 2020 is . . . Joe Biden!? LOL!

With all these life-threatening malignancies doesn’t it figure the Democrats would create a straw man, a red herring, to put the spotlight on some “evil deed” the Republicans have done (remember Russiagate)?

Enter the Suspicious Packages Mailed to High Profile Democrats story breaking this morning and dominating the news (both Real and Fake.)

Maybe I’m wrong, but let’s watch shall we?