Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 23, 2018

What name would you choose for a very powerful financial organization that is not part of the FEDERAL government, not a RESERVE (a place where the nations treasure is kept), and not a BANK?

If you picked FEDERAL RESERVE BANK you got it!

America’s founding fathers had nothing to do with the concept, construction, or coronation of the virtually secret organization that came into being in a 1910, late night, top-secret, meeting of some of America’s richest men on an island off the coast of Georgia called Jekyll Island.

The Federal Reserve system is virtually autonomous, answering to no one, not even the President.

This cabal/consortium/cartel controls America’s economy by controlling interest rates charged to borrowers of money. . . money  backed by nothing of real value (gold, silver, etc.) and printed at-will by them whenever and in whatever quantities they decide.

Normally the men behind the curtain at the Federal Reserve Bank manipulate interest rates as a control mechanism to stimulate, or rein-in the economy. The Fed is immune from being audited!!

This week they raised interest rates unexpectedly. The economy is doing very well and Americans who are willing and able to work are all employed.

President Trump said the FED is “. . . out of control”. The economy is not in need of “correction.”

A former FED Grand PooPah, Alan Greenspan, said the President’s concern will go in one ear and out the other of the current FED boss!

Could it be that, along with all the Never Trump obstuctionists, the Federal Reserve is also trying to derail the President?
