Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 15, 2018

We all know it is not Conservative Republicans who are behind the effort to undermine traditional American values. So permit me to posit this question: WHAT WILL THE LIBERALS COME-UP WITH NEXT?

Here’s the rest of the story. . .

A male Homo Sapiens with XY chromosomes who “self identifies” as a traditional male human adult ( a man), is the husband of a male Homo Sapiens adult with XY chromosomes (a man) who “self identifies” as a female Homo Sapiens with XX chromosomes (a woman), “she” is the “wife”. . .

The “wife” has become unsatisfied with the “marriage” due to an insufficiency of quality time shared by the two. “She ” has found a solution which gives “her” more one-on-one [sorry] time with her lawfully wedded husband. . . “she” now “self identifies” as a dog! (see ACTUAL photo)!

“She” says there is more opportunity for closeness when “she’s” a dog than when “she’s” a “wife”.

My point? Vote against Democrats. Vote to Make America Sane Again!

P.S. The “dog’s” gender is unspecified.