Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 15, 2018

Many Arizona voters are expected to vote for a white female candidate for the U.S. Senate named Kyrsten Sinema (below).

Here is some of the low-hanging fruit from Ms. Sinema’s past performances:

She accepted a large ($50K+) campaign contribution from an organization called Don’t bother searching because their webpage has been seized by the FBI for suspected sex trafficking.

She said, in public, that Arizona is the “meth lab of Democracy”.

She declared Arizona to be a “crazy” state.

She stated that she does not care if her constituents actively support the Taliban.

When groups like Antifa destroy property she says it is “inappropriate” to be critical of their actions.

She falsely claimed to be Hispanic and received a scholarship intended for Hispanics.

She characterized post 9-11 U.S. military operations in Iraq as “U.S. terror” and depicted American military members as helmeted skeletons in an anti-war campaign poster.

She co-founded an organization called “Local to Global Justice” which opposed action against those responsible for terrorist acts on U.S. soil. She actually hinted that the U.S. is responsible for the 9-11 attacks!

She argued in favor of men caught with 12-year-old victims of sex traffickers by saying “lots of 12 year-olds look like adults.”

There is much more that should give voters pause to ask “Is this woman anti-America?”

But the polls indicate that the tutu wearing, Antifa protecting, military bashing, self-proclaimed Hispanic, soft on sex trafficking, candidate is still the darling of the Democrats.

Oh well, in 21 days we will discover if any voters decide that Kyrsten Sinema belongs in a pink tutu protecting child molesters and not in the U.S. Senate.

More HERE.


Vote against Democrats!! Make America Great Again!