Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 10, 2018

Social Justice Warriors, with the help of PCP (Political Correctness Police), won a victory Monday when the Houston Astros defeated the Cleveland Indians ending the tribe’s hopes to play in the 2018 World Series.

Monday was formerly known as Columbus Day but, thanks to the same SJW/PCP movement, the name has been replaced with “Indigenous People’s Day” by many Americans.

Anyway, it is on that exact day that one of the most offensive “triggering items” on the Political Correctness Movement’s Most Wanted list was retired. . . yes, Chief Wahoo has passed-on.

Never again will anyone be subjected to the agony of being ridiculed, denigrated, mocked, disrespected, or slandered by the horrific image of Chief Wahoo.

Was it the feather?. . . the infectious, jubilant smile?. . . the red skin? Whatever it was that kept SJW’s awake at night the tyranny is now over because the team owners have instituted a replacement logo. . . a big, red, letter “C”. Wait, red? Isn’t red offensive to indigenous Americans? Why not white, or yellow, or brown, or rainbow?

Here we go again.