Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 28, 2018

Research shows there is no truth to the rumor that Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has the very unusual middle name, “The”.

Jeff comes from a very long line of Flakes. Going back to Utah and pre-statehood Arizona there have been Flakes seeking power positions. He is joined at the hip with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (formerly known as LDS, but no longer so called because God recently visited their Supreme Leader and told him that “LDS” lacks respect, purity, righteousness, and holiness, so knock it off!).

Well, today Jeff sided with the Democrats to force a delay the vote on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Many suspected Jeff was planning to run against President Trump for the Republican nomination in 2020. Oops, not so fast. Flake is apparently jockeying for the DEMOCRAT nomination!!

I said Flake is jockeying for the DEMOCRAT nomination!!

Regarding the Kavanaugh vote, there are 47 Democrats who must vote to reject Kavanaugh if they want to be reelected, and there are two Independents who ALWAYS vote with the Democrats. That leaves 51 Republicans (the necessary simple majority) who must vote to confirm Kavanaugh if they want to be reelected. One of those 51 is Jeff The Flake!

Shouldn’t there be a law (impeachment?) forbidding an elected official from changing horses midstream? Flake got elected by promising to faithfully represent the people of Arizona by upholding fundamental Republican dogma: Free Enterprise; Limited Government; Individual Freedom; Traditional American Values; the sanctity of all human life; a strong National Defense; Secure Borders; and pride in America.

Jeff has lost his RINO (Republican In Name Only) badge since he is no longer a Republican even in name.

Salt Lake City, Mitt Romney, et. al. are carrying-out a very dramatic plan based upon hatred for Donald Trump. They are driven by seething emotion and will stop at nothing in pursuit of harming the duly elected President.

The COJCOLDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) , formerly known as LDS, are working their wickedness as we speak.

If this is all  wrong we should see a scathing disciplinary action from Salt Lake City descend upon Mrs Flake’s little boy Jeff very soon.