1. Christine Ford’s Mom and Dad were on the losing end of a foreclosure court case a few years back. The judge in that case is the Mother of a lad named Brett Kavanaugh, who is currently being considered for a seat on the Supreme Court. Hmm.
  2. Ford cannot recall WHO was hosting the party where the assault took place. She cannot recall WHAT was the occasion for the party. She cannot say WHEN the party happened. She does not recollect WHERE the party was held. She cannot recall WHY she was wearing just a swim suit in the company of a high school boy in an upstairs bedroom. She has no memory regarding HOW she got to the party, or how she got home afterward. Hmm.
  3. 60+ women who have known Brett Kavanaugh since childhood attest to the fact that he has always been a decent gentleman who respects women. Several women who dated him confirm the high-unlikeliness of the allegation being true. Hmm.
  4. Ford is a registered political activist. She has a Liberal Democrat history. She consistently opposes President Trump. Hmm.
  5. Senator Feinstein (D-CA) has had knowledge of the alleged offense all-along. She, like Christine, cannot recall WHY she didn’t alert the FBI immediately upon President Trump’s nomination announcement. Why did Feinstein not want Ford to undergo Senate cross-examination? Hmm.