Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 11, 2018

The Quran, Islam’s holy book, says [in 3:151],  “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers. . .”

Several faithful followers of the book cast terror into the hearts of America 17-years ago today.

Today in America there is another heinous act being carried-out. This time it is being done by American protectors of Islam, by people whose narrative is that Islam is a religion of peace, by Democrats.

One of the highest ranking of these friends of Islam is the woman who is waiting in the wings for the outcome of the current desperate attempt to unseat  the lawfully elected President of the United States. She is watching anxiously because she will–according to plan– take the deposed president’s place if the coup succeeds. Her name is Hillary Clinton. She came really close to being Madam President and her political party is still trying to make it a reality.

Four years after September of 2001 Hillary defended Islam with this social media post:

Keep this in mind and remember to vote against Democrats and candidates aligned with them. . . for two reasons: 1. A Quran-based religion is not a peaceful religion. 2. The current coup is an act of treason and is all-on the Democrats and RINOs.