Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 05, 2018

Q: Is Kapernick’s “cause” valid? When Black people die in violent confrontations is their killer usually a cop?

A: No. 93% of violent deaths among Blacks is the result of conflict with other civilian Blacks. . . not with cops!

Q: Is Kapernick’s claim that Blacks are unjustly, and inordinately, the focus of police attention a valid complaint?

A: No. Actually, what is inordinate is the ratio of crimes by Blacks compared to their percentage of the population (13%). 52% of homicides are committed by Blacks!

Kapernick is “sacrificing everything” (according to Nike advertising) for a bogus cause.

Kapernick should be working to restore the disintegrating family structure of inner-city Blacks. He should be sacrificing to Make Black Families Great Again!

If Kapernick adopts a valid cause for his protest, he should not exercise it by disrespecting our flag, and our nation.

Kapernick is enjoying the atmosphere in America created by Liberals.

Protest Kapernick’s bogus protest by voting against Democrats.

Vote to make America, including Black families, great again!