Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 31, 2018

Buy all the Nabisco animal crackers featuring the illustrated animals in cages!

Thanks to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Nabisco has agreed to no longer illustrate the animals in cages.

Soon the dangerous* beasts will be shown just standing around free of any and all “unethical restraints”, including cages.

*A Silverback adult male can bench press 4,600 lbs!

It was inevitable that the “PETA-GOGS” would get-around to the cookie boxes, after all, they have run the circus business out of town!

Welcome to the world of Social Justice Warriors who scour the world seeking, and stopping, ethical injustices.

It all fits nicely into the Liberal narrative.

If you want to refuse the Kool-aid then vote against Democrats!