Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 18, 2018

[The eighth in series of stories about the Democrat’s frenzied determination to obstruct BK’s nomination to serve as a SCOTUS judge.]

Try to follow this money trail:

Demand  Justice (DJ), a non-profit pledges $5M to defeat Brett Kavanaugh’s (BK) appointment.

DJ is organized and funded by another non-profit called The Sixteen Thirty Fund (16-30).

From 2012 to 2016 16-30 has been granted $2.2M by The Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), which is the primary donation vehicle of George Soros.

Soros is a major supporter of Liberal/Globalist/Elitist politicians in America. George truly wants, for racial reasons, the wholesale slaughter of unborn babies to continue unfettered. He also wants to promote acceptance of Euthanasia, which is the similar slaughter of elderly and infirm citizens who are deemed to be unproductive social liabilities.

Vote against Democrat politicians who all profit from the millions Clinton supporter Soros pours into their party coffers. Vote to end the wanton murder of unborn babies for racial, or any other, reasons. Vote for those who support BK.