Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 29, 2018

Some folks feel that once a word is established it should be immune from being adopted to describe something completely different.

Take the word “gay” for example. Why should the same word be used to designate a spirit of joyful happiness AND to designate unnatural sexual behavior?

How about the word “Liberal”? Originally the word described a set of political or religious beliefs favorable to concepts of maximum  freedom possible including freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties. Of course today that describes the OPPOSITE of a Liberal! We need a new word for today’s Liberal. How about “Changers”? They oppose any established system. They use the word “Change” as a campaign slogan. They sneer when they say “Establishment”, or “Conservative”.

There is no shortage of letters needed to form new words. Surely 26 letters used in unlimited combinations can allow for a distinct, unique, definition of every person, place, or thing imaginable.

The chap described below is hardly a match for the established, traditional meaning of the word “Liberal”.

Register and vote against Changer Party (formerly called Liberal or Democrat) candidates. Vote to undo all the changes Barack Hussein Obama made. Vote to restore America to greatness.