Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 25, 2018

For the suits of the National Football League there have been four options available as a solution to the problems associated with the playing of the National Anthem. They have finally picked one.

Option One: Dispense with the playing of the Anthem.

Option Two: Require all on-field players to stand as a sign of respect for the Anthem. Players may choose to not take the field until after the Anthem.

Option Three: Require all players to be on the field and to stand as a sign of respect for the Anthem.

Option Four: Allow players to continue to visually demonstrate their grievances during the Anthem.

Option Two has been adopted.

Under the new ruling players who choose to remain in the locker room until the Anthem is over have effectively also been given options one, and four:

Since there is no Anthem ceremony in the locker room, Option one is realized;

Since their glaring absence and their obviously late entrance will be seen as an act of protest Option four is realized.

If the dollars don’t return it will be because ticket buyers and television viewers continue to be disturbed by these clear acts of disrespect for our nation.

Then they will need to look at Option three again.

Let’s see what happens!