Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 17, 2018

I am of the opinion that most American citizens who name Jesus Christ as the sum and substance of their spiritual beliefs are very happy with the job President Trump is doing.

Sometimes it’s more believable and thought-provoking to support your expressed opinion with verifiable facts.

So here are some results of recent polls by The Faith and Freedom Coalition. 8M folks responded to the poll.

[First is a brief form of the question followed by the percent of agreeing responses.]

The President is doing an excellent job. 96.

My expectations are being exceeded by the President. 95.

Tax cuts are good. 93.

Erasing Obama’s anti-business regulations is a good idea. 94.

The Economy is doing well. 97.

Eliminating Obama’s Individual Mandate was a good move. 93.

All of Obamacare should be eliminated. 96.

The President has done very well against ISIS. 88.

The President has done very well regarding Immigration.84.

Congress should approve The Wall. 94.

Judge Gorsuch was an excellent choice for SCOTUS judge. 98.

I will vote in the mid-term election this year. 87.

Electing a Conservative majority is crucial. 88.

How well my Senators and Representative support the President will determine whether I vote for them or not. 92.

I will vote for President Trump in 2020. 92.

I am undecided regarding my 2020 vote. 6.

If Democrats win control of Congress I will support their promise to impeach the President. 0.