Mitt Romney, a career Republican, and long-time (about 9 months) Utah resident  who has publicly said some very insulting things about President Trump, says:

“I’m not in this race because I have some political career I’m trying to foster.”

Now, by “this race” George Romney’s boy Mitt is talking about his all-in campaign to win a seat in the U.S. Senate representing the people of his new-found home, Utah. His real home, Massachusetts, doesn’t have any openings for non-politicial businessmen right now, so he moved.

Mitt wants to be seen as a non-politician (like Donald Trump), and as a business man (like Donald Trump).

The problem is Mitt has been heavily involved in politics since 1994. That’s 34 years of perpetual political pursuit, some successful and some not so much. That’s the resume of a full-time politician.

After Donald Trump’s stunning victory Romney groveled before the new President-elect in hopes of getting a cabinet post. He got nothing so he’s back on the non-campaign trail.

[“Businessman” and “non-politician” Romney delivering a non-political speech at a non-political campaign rally for a non-political elected office he is seeking.]

Register and vote against Liberals and RINO’s, even if they are non-politician businessmen.