Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 17, 2018

The letters “Ltd” usually stand for the word “limited”.

Well, “Mad Dog” Mattis, America’s Sec. of Defense (terrible misnomer), has coined a new phrase which fits the three letters much better.

As reported by the Washington Examiner Mad Dog has adapted the abbreviation to fit America’s new strategy of “Long Term Degradation”.

Last Sunday’s smack-down of Syria’s chemical weapon capability was precise (no known collateral damage), productive (all stated objectives achieved), and palpable (see pic). . .

Now that’s a picture of long term degradation!

Register and vote for more of this sort of decisive, no-nonsense dealing with America’s enemies. Vote for the Long Term Degradation of enemies of the free world. Vote against Democrats who favor the Obama policies of doing nothing more than spewing rhetoric while the enemy strengthens in resolve and in power.