Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 29, 2018

Our high-tech world has necessitated some tweaking on our traditional age categorization and naming.

We used to have just 3 age classifications alive at any one time: “Kids”; “Child Rearing”; and “Old”.

But no more. According to the Pew Research Center* you need to be able to identify members of any of six specific generations alive today!

To help you be a productive team-player in this modern world here is the definition of each generation:

  1. The Greatest Generation. Born before 1928. Age in 2018: 91-103. Said to have saved the world by winning WW II.
  2. The Silent Generation. Born between 1928 and 1945. Age in 2018: 73-90. Known for conformist and civic instincts.
  3. Baby Boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964. Age in 2018: 54-72. These folks were leaders of the counter-culture upheavals of the 60’s.
  4. Generation X. Born between 1964 and 1980. Age in 2018: 38-53. Today’s prime earners. Savvy, entrepreneurial types. Some lingering effects from The Great Recession.
  5. Millennials. Born after 1980. Age in 2018: 21-37. Slow to adapt to traditional rituals of adulthood such as marriage and home ownership. This is the most populous generation with growing influence on society, the workplace, and politics.
  6. Yet To Be Named. Born after 1995. Unlike Millennials, these folks have no memory of not being connected to the digital world via a smartphone. Trending appears to be toward preferring to be alone and a greater susceptibility to depression and anxiety. Analysts believe this is a new generation forming.

So get to work and learn to identify members of the other 5 generations with whom you are sharing the world.

*TREND magazine, Winter 2018 edition.