Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 23, 2018

—- If experience shows that the 2012 Honda Civic is the most commonly involved car in DUI crimes, then Liberal Logic says we should outlaw 2012 Civics. ???

—- Liberal Logic tells us that if we outlaw abortions women will go to back-alley butchers to get an abortion. However, they say, if we outlaw guns we will never have another gun crime. ???

—- The NRA kills zero people every day, and they receive zero dollars from the government. Liberal Logic says the NRA is evil.

—- Planned Parenthood kills 887 unborn babies every day, and they receive $1.4 million tax dollars every day. Liberal Logic says they are a valuable, essential service.

—- Liberal Logic says having gun laws enforced by men and women with guns is not ironic. They entirely miss the point of the Second Amendment.

—- Liberal Logic agrees with Mr.&Mrs. Bill Clinton, and with Mr.&Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama, that President Donald J. Trump is unfit for office . . . even though each of their four personal attorneys have lost their license to practice law.

—- In 1990 Joe Biden introduced an Act making public school grounds “Gun Free Zones”. Since then 92% of mass shootings have happened in designated Gun Free Zones. Liberal Logic says the NRA is at fault.

—- Liberal Logic says the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle is responsible for recent school shootings. The AR-15 has been on the market since the 1960’s, long before school shootings began!

—- More than 3,000 young Americans die every year in auto crashes caused by their texting while driving. About three die per-year from school shootings. Liberal Logic denies that cell phones and cars are the cause of so many deaths, but guns should be outlawed.

—- Israel trains and arms all school teachers and staff. Since 1974 there have been 2 school shooting incidents. Both incidents ended with the perpetrators being killed and no other loss of life. Liberal Logic says that policy will not work.

Defend America from Liberal Logic. Register and vote against all Liberal (Democrat) candidates.