Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 27, 2018

Apparently authorities have been beating the wrong bushes in an effort to discover the cause of the recent tragic murders in a Florida school.

They should have asked former singing talent Barbara Streisand what caused the tragedy.

It seems Barbara knows who* incited the shooter to act-out his insanity by slaughtering innocent human beings.

While America waits for Jennifer Lawrence–also from Hollywood– to fix the Democracy, Ms. Streisand has stepped-up and fixed America’s law enforcement problems.

Now, if only Barbara will set her singing career aside just like Jennifer plans to set-aside her acting career it will be win-win deal.

              [Crime Consultant/Singer Streisand]

                     [Democracy Consultant/Actress Lawrence]
  • *POTUS 45,  Donald Trump, caused the recent slaughter in Florida.