Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 22, 2018

In Law and Politics words are everything.  Deeds?. . . not so much.

The exact wording on S.2311 is : “PAIN CAPABLE UNBORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT”.

Notice the word “child“?

To stop this act from going to the President the Democrats needed 41 NAY votes. They got 46.

Two of the 51 Republican Senators, (Collins-ME and Murkowski-AK) voted with 42 of the 47 Democrats to defeat the Act. Both Independent Senators joined the Democrats and RINOs to defeat the Act.

Three Democrat Senators defied the party narrative and voted their conscience by supporting the Act, (Casey-PA, Donnelly-IN, and Manchin-WV).

Three Senators ( 2 Dems and 1 Rep) did not vote.

Talk amongst yourselves about this question: Do our elected representatives vote their conscience, or do they vote however the Party says, no matter what?

This vote shows the Democrat narrative/doctrine/policy is clearly opposed to protecting children who are in the womb, and are capable of feeling pain, from being chemically, surgically, or mechanically killed.

Register and vote against Democrat and RINO candidates in the soon-coming mid-term election.