Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 21, 2018

Once folks are caught-up in a frenzy, like the current “Never Again” movement, they seem to shut-down their appetite for truth and instead focus blindly on the narrative, which in this case is “Guns cause school shootings. Get rid of guns!”

Well, facts prove that narrative to be the opposite of the truth. Here is a brief description of one nation’s success in dealing with school shootings:

Israel had as big a problem with their school children being targeted as any nation on Earth.

Israel changed their attitude about good guys having guns. They adopted the philosophy which says “The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

Israel passed a law mandating armed security in schools, provided weapons training to teachers and today runs frequent active shooter drills. There have been only two school shootings since then, and both have ended with teachers killing the terrorists.

Israel’s history of success, especially on school grounds, is an elephant in the room being ignored by the fallacious, fear-driven Liberal tactic meant to completely disarm America (except for the body guards of the elite).

We have plenty of gun control laws. Making more won’t help. Israel has provided proof of a very effective solution. Let’s do what they did.