Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 31, 2018

Out of the MANY Democrats who should be investigated and prosecuted there is only one who has actually been indicted for corruption. He is Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) see pic below.

There were 18 charges against Bob related to granting favors while accepting six-figure campaign contributions, luxury hotel stays and private jet flights. Recently a judge acquitted Menendez of 7 of the 18 charges which prompted the Justice Department to announce they will NOT retry the Jersey boy on the remaining charges?! All charges will be dropped and he’s gonna walk! It smells swampy in here.

Menendez will continue campaigning for reelection rather than go to prison. The Democrat voters of Jersey will probably elect him again.

Help drain the swamp and make America great again. Register and vote for whoever runs against Menendez.