Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 31, 2018

The generation of Americans born between the early 80’s and the early 2000’s are called “the millennial generation”.

Even the youngest of the millenials will be old enough to vote in the 2020 Presidential election!

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) scores highly with the millenials. Bernie tried to become President in 2016 but was torpedoed by unethical tactics of the Democratic National Committee, who had all their eggs in the Hillary basket. You know how that ended.

Well, it is likely that Sanders will soon announce his intention to take a run at the White House again. Except for that fact it would be appropriate to move Bernie to the back burner and move-on to more important matters.

We got a glimpse into the Socialist mind of Uncle Bernie at the SOTU address last night.

Very few things the President said caused the Democrats to stand and applaud. One thing that did get the Liberal Legion off their elitist derrieres had to do with respect for the flag. As seen in the photo below Bernie remained seated even though all of his fellow anti-Americans, aka Democrats, rose to cheer.

Sanders should do well with America’s enemies who also have no respect for the flag.

Register and vote against Liberals whether Socialists, Democrats, or Republicans. Vote to make America great again.