Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 31, 2018

When did we lose the ability to say, without hesitation, “That’s just wrong!”?

Political Correctness and Social Justice Awareness has robbed us of a valuable technique for handling information in the 21st century.

We all have a built-in instinctual thought mechanism that voices itself within a split second of recognizing obvious wrongdoing. But we have learned to suppress our auto-reaction function.

An example: Look at the photo below then read the back story. . .

A woman has a mature peacock as an Emotional Support Animal. She purchased a second seat for the huge bird to ride in during a flight with her! Now here’s the question. . . why are we trained to suppress the immediate exclamation “THAT’S JUST WRONG!”?

One more example:

The President is making a speech before a joint session of the 115th Congress on January 30, 2018. One of the FACTS he mentions is that the unemployment rate for Black Americans is at an all-time low. The 292 Republican Senators and Representatives leap to their feet and cheerfully applaud the news while the 243 Democrats sit on their hands and scowl. THAT’S JUST WRONG!

In both of these examples is it really wrong (politically incorrect) to respond immediately, without further analysis, and say,  “THAT’S JUST WRONG!”?

Let’s restore trust in our instincts. Some things are so obviously wrong that any normally functioning human mind will instantly recognize it as such and issue the command to the speech control center to exclaim loudly. . . “THAT’S JUST WRONG!”