Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2018

O.K. here’s the test to determine if you know your female Washington players by sight.

Below are two photos, one labeled “A”, and the other “B”.

                              [Photo “A”]

    [Photo “B” (shown with male acquaintance)]

Here’s the question: Which photo is of the woman who called the  woman shown in the other photo “MISS PIGGY”? Take your time. . .

If you picked photo “A” as the person who called the other Miss Piggy you get one more guess to get it correct.

There you go! Photo “B” is of Lynne Patton, a senior official in the President’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) office. She insulted both The Muppets and the reporter but has only apologized to the reporter thus far.

Photo “A” is of news reporter April Ryan. She covers the White House.

Remember to learn your D.C. women!