Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2018

According to Liberal antagonists the recent tax reform would be a bountiful gift to America’s ultra-rich, some even said the President’s action would mostly help billionaires.

OK. Well Home Depot announced a one-time $1000 bonus to all hourly employees is forthcoming as an effect of the President’s tax reform.

Disney announced the same amount to their employees earning less than $150,000/yr.

Many American workers  like those at Boeing, Starbucks, and Walmart are enjoying tax reform benefits in the form of cash bonuses.

The ultra-wealthy Democrat minority leader of the House of Representatives calls these $1000 bonuses “pathetic crumbs”. Apparently a thousand bucks is chump change to her!

So, clearly, if the many thousands of American workers who are enjoying the fiscal benefits of President Trump’s tax reform are not billionaires, then the Liberals must be wrong . .as usual.