Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2018

There is pressure being applied to accept trans-gender behavior as settled science, just like Global Warming. Disagreement with the LGBT narrative quickly gets a response of “Anti-science!”

FACT: The American Psychological Association’s APA Handbook on Sexuality and Psychology states that the vast majority of gender dysphoric boys and girls accept their birth/chromosomal sex by adolescence or adulthood. 

 FACT: 2008 study shows nearly all gender dysphoric pre-pubertal children will accept their biological sex by the end of adolescence.

Q:  Why is transgenderism being imposed upon us as the new normal when facts show that it a behavior that most often CORRECTS itself?

A: Transgender ideology is a psycho-spiritual doctrine, a religion, not a science. The Obama Administration promoted acceptance of transgenderism by including it wherever Title IX funds went.

The current administration has rescinded the policy of normalizing transgenderism as settled science.

This issue is just one of the many Liberal tools being used to fundamentally transform America by weakening the traditional, scientific, fact-based, standard of social conduct.

Gender dysphoria is a serious [but very rare] mental health issue. By contrast, transgenderism is a belief system that increasingly looks like a religion.

Read more HERE.