Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 24, 2018

You guess if this story is truth or fantasy.

A boy is born in 1987. His name is Bradley.

He grows-up and joins the Army.

He becomes a spy and gives 3/4 0f a million classified documents to an unauthorized organization.

He is found guilty and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

After serving 7 years he is set free by then President Barack Hussein Obama.

While in prison Bradley re-identifies as a girl named Chelsea.

   [Manning -as girl- glamour shot]

Bradley announces his candidacy for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat.

            [Manning -as girl- announces candidacy for U.S. Senate]

U.S. Army reveals Manning will remain on active duty so long as his appeal of the espionage charges against him is ongoing.

The Law forbids an active duty military person from running for public office.

The Democrats desperately want to replace the incumbent Republican Senator against whom Manning would run–if the law allowed it, which it does not– so they are looking at Manning the way a bull looks at a bastard calf.

Will the convicted spy who is guilty of treason go-on to become the first man/woman Senator from Maryland?

Keep watching the news for the ongoing TRUE STORY of the traitor spy guy who changed into the traitor spy girl who got out of prison 28 years early and ran for public office– illegally– under the sponsorship of The Democrats.