Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 19, 2017

It is difficult to recall all the promises Obama made as a campaigner and as President, but one for sure was his claim that he would put America’s Blacks back to work.

Well, he didn’t. Unemployment for Blacks reached a high of 17.8% on his watch between 2008 and 2016.

Before Obama globalist RINO George W.Bush never managed to get Black unemployment lower than 7.7%.

Well, in less than one year in office President Trump has gotten the Black unemployment figure to its lowest point in 17 years (7.3% last recorded in late 2000).

Because the media buries stories like this the Black community continues to be fooled into thinking Democrats are their friends and Republicans are their enemies. (This was proven when the recent election in Alabama was won by a Democrat because of a large, late turnout of Black voters duped into believing the Republican was somehow an immoral, anti-Black politician.)