Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 25, 2017

Maybe because they share a border with Kalifornia the voters of Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona did something really stupid back in November. They fired America’s Toughest Sheriff and replaced him with the Criminal Alien’s Best Friend.

There’s a new sheriff in town and every 10 days he’s releasing 400 incarcerated illegal immigrants who are also convicted of crimes other than illegal entry into America.

Many of those being released are violent offenders. The new sheriff refers to the convicts as “Guests”.

Billionaire George Soros spent a fortune in his successful bid to unseat Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

The DNC and Elitist Globalists like Soros are thrilled to have this victory after suffering so many defeats, and so many more to come, from President Trump.

                                             [Accelerated Recidivism Courtesy of Sheriff Penzone]