Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 19, 2016

Dear Democrats,

Your requested recounts are complete and resulted-in more votes for Trump.

Your threats and bribes made to Electors have failed. The Constitution has withstood your attack.

Your muckraking has failed.

Hillary has failed to a spectacular degree.

The DNC chair has been degraded, perverted, and vacated twice. The current front-runner to fill the vacancy is an anti-Israel Black Supremacist.

During the last 8 years you have consistently lost seats in Congress and in State capitols.

Plans are underway to repeal much of the damage done in the last 8 years. American voters have stopped slumbering and are  obviously opposed to your agenda.

Your war to fundamentally transform America is over. Time to surrender. Stop making fools of yourselves. Russia didn’t beat you. Trump didn’t beat you. Americans who voted beat you.

Fade away now  and think about getting a get a head-to-toe makeover. This time respect Law and Order and The Constitution.

Show some class before it’s too late. Slip out the back door and lay low for a couple of years. Step aside while America gets busy!.

You Democrat’s are just not up to the job.