Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 16, 2016

The dictator who wasn’t perceived as a dictator is dead.

Cubans are convinced Communism is no good.

A Cuban named Eusebio Leal Spengler has a unique arrangement with the remaining Communist government. He is allowed to develop tourist attractions while enjoying the authority of a city mayor. The elite seem to do well in any form of government.

The people never do well under Communism.

Will the working people of Cuba demand the organizational chart be modified to place them above the government?

Free enterprise, an open market, reasonable taxes and regulations would put Cuba on the road to peace, prosperity, and human dignity. Restoration of religious freedom would allow, encourage even, the people to get to know God as Cubans once did.

Carpetbaggers, scoundrels, hustlers, crooks, and schemers come with free enterprise, so let’s hope Cuban people demand intelligent measures from their government, lest history repeat itself.

Cuba Libre! Free Cuba! Good luck Amigos.