Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 23, 2016

In recent rhetoric Ellison claims he is now pro-Israel, anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and pro-Police. The wolf has become a sheep?
The new bio is not consistent with his actual past activity.
The truth is not being clearly presented in the current scramble for the DNC chair.
Conservative and Republican Americans should keep an eye on current events in the Liberal camp. After all, we don’t want more Globalist, anti-American politicians trying to fundamentally transform America do we?
From FrontPage:

” The Liberals are pushing former Nation of Islam racist Keith Ellison for DNC chair. Because if there’s anything that will save the party, it’s putting a racist who represents a district with the largest concentration of Somali Muslims in the state in charge of formulating its future. 

Ellison supports racist cop killers, hates Israel, and has a past with a hate group that believes white people are “devils” who are the spawn of a mad scientist’s experiment and will be wiped out by UFOs.”
